Proposed Itinerary and Agenda
Site Reconnaissance and Planning Conference Team
Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory
Philip Helfrich, Director, Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory
Robert W. Hiatt, President, University of Alaska and former Director, EMBL
Dr. Charles Osterberg, Asst. Director for Environmental Sciences, Division
of Biomedical and Environmental Research, AEC, Washington, D.C.
Dr. William Forster, DBER, AEC, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Roger Ray, Asst. Manager for Operations, Nevada Operations Office, AEC
Dr. Nathaniel Barr, DBER, AEC, Washington, D.C.

Mr. Glen Fredholn, Marine Facilities Planner
Mr. William Coops, Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii

(Date and Local Time - Please note that even though ‘the Marshall Islands
lie on the west side of the International date line, Kwajalein and Eniwetok

retain the same day as Hawaii, while Majuro does not.)

30 January - 0800 - Depart Honolulu Saturn MAC Charter Dc-8 (check-in time
0530 Hickam MAC Terminal)
30 January - 1300 - Arrive Eniwetok.
Force programs.

Briefing on present AEC, DNA, and Air
Tour of EMBL facilities.

31 January - 0800 - 1700 ~ Tour of NE portion of atoll to include Mike,
Cactus and LaCrosse Craters and selected marine



Evening ~ Discussion of the AEC's goals and objectives
in support of the research facility on Eniwetok.

1 February - 0800 - 1200 - Discussion of future organization and operational
policies of EMBL and of research programs of interest to
the AEC.

1300 - 1700 - Tour of selected terrestrial and marine areas
among the SE islets of the atoll.
Discussion of the

possible establishment of preserves and long range
monitoring programs.

2 February - 0800 - 1200 - Discussion on laboratory facilities to support
proposed research programs. Alternatives involving
use of existing structures or new construction.

1300 - 1700 ~ Discussion of laboratory operation to include

research and operational policies, screening of research


Select target paragraph3