March 5, 1956

W. B. MeCool


Did the U.S. plan to monitor imported Japanese frozen

tune fish?

Reply: The AEC did not have any present plans to monitor tuna,
although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration might have some
plans, as after all such operations were their responsibility.

At what levels were the instruments set during the March

to August 1955 west coast fish monitoring program.

whet type of instrumentation was used.


Reply: We would show him photographs of the monitoring instruments
and discuss the setting of the instruments at a later date, as the

material was in central files.

(Dr. Mukaibo hed another appointment

end did not wish to wait for the material,

made for a future meeting.)

Arrangements have been

What was the present Food and Drug Administration opinion
as to a safe level of radicactivity in fish,

Reply: It was recommended that he contact Dr. Albert H. Holland, Jr.,
Medical Director of this agency.


What was Dr. Boss! opinion as to the feelings of the west
coast canners.

Reply: ‘The American canners were apprehensive that the section of
the Japanese press that is unfriendly to the present Japanese government would publish emotional articles that would be picked up by the
AP and UP, who would transmit them to this country, and in turn excite
the American public. This would result in a downward trend in both

wholesale and retail markets in the United States.

Further, they were

hopeful that the Japanese government would publish the findings of
their competent scientists, rather than publish only the remarks of
the politicians.

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