

Usually we are advised of 9 determination of lhe contanued noad of
the United Steten for islands ip the Trust Territory by the Comaonovr,

Pacific Division, Naval Facilities LE:y;ineering Cconmand and we are
taking the liberty of sending a copy of this Ictter to that office

fince we foresee that a coordinated reply to the above questions
may be necessary.

I join Mr. Shoecraft in looking forward to meeting you and hope
that you will be able to make your contemplated trip to Saipan in
the near future,
Mr, Ghoecraft also adds that if you have occasion
to be in touch with Colonel Whittin,tor, he vould appreciace Lé af
you would give to him his very kindest regards and tell him thet he
etill remembers with a great deal of pleasure the few days he spent
with him at Vandenberg as his guest and that he hopes to have the
opportunity to play your beautiful golf course again,
Sincerely yours,



pre etnwG?
Ww. RB. Norwoor

High Commissioner

v Rear Acmiral W. H.


Commander, Pacific Division

Naval Frcilities Enginecring Coomand
PPO fan Francisco 96610

Select target paragraph3