feptezter 9, 1958

fr. Laurea B&B, Donaldson

Letorstosy cf Qadiztion Elotogy
University of Fashinston
fFeattle, Mashing tos
Tear Leurea:

fs you knows by now the EPG dancer area hag bean cleoetablished.,
The efforte of you aod your group vere certeinly epzrecteted fe
thle respect, excpecfally in vlew of the adécd lead pieced on the
leserctory. The mrring evrvey epprared to be wholly cuccece ful,
I¢ was @ plessure for wm to be eble to verk vith Prenk Levosza’s


fF eorld eleo llke to aenticn the ostetanding vork of Ele

Cantr{) end Fill Charpion in preparatfioa for the turvey.

Fefcre Z left EPS Prank arraazedéd to tend further deta to ee at
Veshingtea eiich T eg now reecivlag @uring the present survey.
Fince I za not cure thst you are getting this cata, I elll forverd
it to you from bere, The data recefveé so Far ara enclosed,
Teomke aecafa for the cocperatica you pave vs, I éa jocking
forvard fo making a vfieit to the laboretory these es cosa as
{ heve the opportsnity.

Fincerely yours,

Alfred ¥. Klencat, Jr.
Rediation Effects of Vcapoas Brench
Tivisicos of ElLolecy cand reticine

Marins Blology Survey Procren 49





ee: Oc, C, L, Denhes
pr. C. Ww. Chilling

Or. A. H. Ce;rear


AsT erent: nf


Select target paragraph3