

During the Spring and Summer, 1978, test series at the
Pacific Proving Grounds the Public 'Jlealth Service operated an off-

site radiological safety program under an agreement with Joint
Task Force Seven. Details of the Public Health Service operation

are covered in “anual for Public Health Service Participants -

Operation HAROTACK,"”

FNS Officers stationed on each of the close-in populated
atolls of Utirik, Ujelang, Rongelap and Wotho secured data on
radiation levels and collected environmental samples for laboratory counting, In addition, data on gamma levels were obtained
by weatner personnel at the following locations: Kwajalein,

Hidway, Wake, Guam, Truk, Ponape, Tarawa, Nauru, Majuro, Kussie,
and “aninga marance, These locations cover an erea of evproxi-

mately one thousand mile radius from the testing area.

On each of the islands operated by P"5 personnel a monitoring station was established in the camp site near thie native
village. ft each of these stetinons indine, air and rainfall
fallout samples were taken as well as daily gamma readiras. A

continuous gamma recorder was used along with an A‘/POR 27F
Radiac instrument. 4A high range AN/PDR 1@A radiac instrument

and a cutie pie for eta measurements were provided but were
not needed during the operatinn, In addition, approximately
fifteen film-badge stations were established on each of the islands manned by a PH3S Officer.
All of the sample collectors, the gamma recorders, filmbadge station rumber one, and the location at which daily gamma

readings were taken were in close proximity so that, as early

aS possible, these readings and samples came from the same loca-

tion. Equipment on the weather islands consisted of a continuous
gamma recorder and an AN/PDR 27F radiac instrument. These were
operated by the weather station personnel stationed there with
supervision and consultation from the PHS. Radietion exposures
on these islands were negative, hut the records are on file with
the Fublic Health Service should there be any question,
During the period of the tests et Jxhnston Island, the
Service operated monitoring stations (air sampling and continuous gemma monitor recorders) on the principle islands of the
Hawaii croup. This was done in conjunction with the Territorial
Health Department anc at their request.
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Data from these stations

The purpose of this report is to present data from statinns



operated by PH3 personnel. It will be subject to additional study
ard analyses in an attempt to further determine its significance.
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