from the Bikini people.


as the external dose assessment is

patterns also allow us to extrapolate

concerned, cases 5 and 6 are identical.

other reasonable patterns.

Because the expected living patterns


that the cases also include assump~

are most likely to differ between

tions on the food production and

the various age groups, age distribu-

consumption plans of the returning

tion data has been compiled (Table 2).


These data were obtained from the

This information is

only required for the internal dose

1974 census taken on Kili Island

assessment via the specific food

of the 784 persons who claim land

chains, and hence is not pertinent

rights on Bikini Island.>

to the external dose calculations.

geographical living patterns, also

The cases are based upon the


. shown in Table 2, were assumed to be™

assumption that the people will

similar to those expected for the

reside on either Bikini or Eneu

returning Enewetak people. |

Island in accordance with the

Even though the gamma-ray

Preliminary Bikini Atoll Master

exposure rates vary widely, it is


necessary, for the purpose of the

For purposes of this report,

the cases are primarily directed

external dose calculations, to

toward assessing the external dose

derive the most reasonable values of

associated with various options for

the mean exposure rates for each

housing locations on the two islands.

specific geographical area under

The first case is based on the

consideration (Table 3).

assumption that the people will

exposure rates for specific areas

live only on Eneu Island.


The mean

‘on Bikini Island were obtained by

remaining cases assume residence

weighting the mean exposure rates

on Bikini Island at different

within each contour interval (Fig.

village sites with various remedial

4) by the area within the contour.

actions being taken to reduce the

Since the exposure rates on Eneu

exposure rates.

Island are relatively uniforn,

Thus, cases 2

through 4 assume the residences

the mean exposure rates were chosen

are situated along the lagoon road

by inspection of Fig. 5.

on Bikini Island (areas 1 and 2 in

the survey did not include the other

Fig. 7), while cases 5 and 6 assume

islands of the atoll, we had to

the people will live within the

rely on data from previous surveys

interior portions of the island,

to estimate how much of the total

shown as area 3 in Fig.

population dose was contributed by


As far



Select target paragraph3