- Results of Gamma-Ray Exposure Rate Measurements

The geographical variability of

vertical coordinate is a measure of

the gamma-ray exposure rates for

the gamma exposure rate.

Bikini and Eneu Islands is shown in

elevated irregularly shaped areas

Figs. 4 and 5.

appear as "peaks" while the lesser

The contribution due

Thus, the

to cosmic radiation has been sub-

values near the shores appear as


relatively low flat areas.

On Bikini Island the


individual measurements from which

especially the low flat area

the contour levels were derived are

Situated on the ocean side near the

listed in the Appendix.

center of the island (Fig. 6a)..

Note the

complex patterns displayed throughout
the island.

The gamma exposure rates

This complexity may be

measured on Eneu Island (Fig. 5) show

due, in part, to the inhomogeneity

that the island is characterized by

in the original fallout pattern

low (less than 10 —uR/h) and more or

produced by the Bravo event, but it

less uniformly distributed gamma

certainly reflects the extensive

radiation levels over the entire

earth moving activities performed

These total gamma-ray exposure

over the entire island as part of
the agricultural rehabilitation

rates are the basis for the external


dose estimation.

The exposure rates near

However, to deter=

the shores are typically of the

mine the annual dose and dose

order of 10 to 20 uR/h, while the

commitment, it was also necessary

elevated interior values vary over a

to determine the fractional contri-

wide range of roughly 30 to 100 UR/h.

bution made by the predominant

The interior portions of the island

gamma-emitting radionuclides distri-

may be visualized as having a general

buted in the soil.

background of about 30 to 40 uR/h with

experience at Enewetak Atoll and

numerous irregularly shaped areas

the data of Bennett and Beck?

exhibiting elevated levels superim-

obtained during the 1967 Bikini

posed in a random fashion over this

Survey, we expected that the

general background.

primary contribution to the gamma

This may also be

visualized by viewing the three
dimensional computer generated

Based on our

exposure rates would be due to

.137 Cs and 60 Co activities in the

graphical displays of the exposure


rates (Figs. 6a, b and c).

gamma emitters such as



Trace quantities of other


Select target paragraph3