thicknesses of aluminum absorbers

Calibration of the pressurized

were placed over an array of dosimeters

ion chamber against a point 226),

at three sites on Bikini Island.



the method used with the

feather analysis of the beta attenua-

instrument in this study, leads to

tion curves gave a maximum beta

about a 3% overestimate in the

energy between 1.5 and 2.2 MeV.

measurement of "typical" environmen~

Given the known predominance of

tal fields in this country.”

90.99, beta activities in the soil,

similar correction were made to

this energy range is consistent with

these data,

the 2.27 MeV 90, beta radiation.

independent exposure-rate

The analysis also revealed that the

determinations (ion chamber and LiF

average beta contribution to the

TLD) would be within 10%.

total LiF exposure rates was 27% --

considered to be satisfactory

a rather significant contribution.

agreement between the two reference

Therefore, it was necessary to reduce

techniques used in this work.

the LiF results by this amount to

Hence, on the basis of these results,

obtain the free-air gamma-ray

the NaI scintillation readings were

exposure rates.

normalized to the output of the

The comparison between the ion

If a

the agreement of the two

This is

pressurized ion chamber.

chamber results and the LiF gamma-

of points in Fig. 3 is not as good
as that in Fig. 2.

This difference

is most likely due to the beta con-

tribution to the LiF results, which
May vary throughout the islands,
causing spread in the data.

Departure from the 1:1 relationship

S Oo

One also finds that the correlation

Nn w

about 13% between the two methods.


two data sets gives agreement of


A linear regression of the

lon chamber response — uR/h

Fig. 3.


ray exposure rates is presented in



response or to insufficient



40 50


60 70


LiF response — uR/h

in Fig. 3 may be due to an overcorrection of the TLD data for beta

10 20


Fig. 3.

Comparison of responses of
the pressurized ion chamber

The contri-

consideration of the ion chamber

with LiF TLD's.

data for energy dependence.

has been subtracted.

bution due to cosmic radiation

Select target paragraph3