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(NVO - 158)

The Bikini Atoll was extensively used during the 1950's for
atmospheric nuclear testing, necessitating displacement of

the Bikinians.

The rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll and the

resettlement of people on Bikini and Enyu Islands has been

approved and the project is underway with approximately 80
people now residing on these two islands.

The need for a more comprehensive survey of Bikini Atoll was
recognized in October, 1974, following a visit to the Marshall
Islands by Defense Nuclear Agency, Department of Interior and

ERDA representatives.

ERDA became committed to the early accom-

plishment of this survey in a meeting with Trust Territory

representatives in Anaheim, California, in January, 1975.


The purpose of the 1975 Bikini Atoll Radiological Survey is
to conduct a Gamma Survey which will supplement Brookhaven
National Laboratory data and provide information for advising
the Department of the Interior on the location of Phase II

homes and to conduct a soil, plant and water sampling \|program.
This planning and operations directive provides guidance and

defines responsibilities for the conduct of this survey.



Authorization and guidance for the Bikini Atoll Radiological
Survey was furnished NV per teletype from ERDA/HQ dated
May 19, 1975, attached as Appendix A.


The 1975 Bikini Atoll Radiological Survey will include sampling
of biota, soil and ground water on Bikini and Enyu Islands
(see Appendix B).
Specifically, soil profile and surface
samples will be taken around existing structures, proposed

housing sites and in agricultural areas. Skimming wells will
be dug to take soil samples at various depths and to collect

water samples.

Select target paragraph3