Measurements of the exposure rate at 1 m above the ground will be made
with the NaI scintillator at each of the soil sampling locations on both
islands. The ionization chamber will be primarily used for measurements
within the central section of Bikini Island with additional measurements
to be made at selected areas. Thus,

from this program a comprehensive

bw 3 ¥

picture of the gamma-ray exposure rates will be available for both

Bikini-Ground Water Program
Purpose: To establish a network of well locations on Bikini and Eneu
Islands in order to assess the ground water quality and to systematically
study the hydrology and geochemisty of radionuclides, major and trace
elements in the ground water system. Water movement and residence times

will be assessed to deduce the transport rates and mechanisms for radionuclides deposited in the soil zone or taken up by vegetation.

and Measurments



BS -GO-Li wknd

Approximately 7 holes will be drilled with a ground power auger at
selected locations along the centerlines of Bikini and Eneu Islands.

Pits will be dug with a backhoe to a maximum depth since the ground
water reservoir surface will be approximately 2 mters below the ground
surface. We must emphasize that the progress of this program will be

seriously hampered if a backhoe is not available to support our effort.
The auger will penetrate the ground water lens to a depth of approximately

3 to 5 feet. Each hole will be cased with slotted 2" diameter PVC pipe

and the pipe will be extended to the soil surface. The pit will be backfilled to essentially provide no environmental impact on the area.

The first hole will be located near the island center. The salinity

of the water will be measured with an in-situ conductivity probe. Two

holes will then be drilled to bracket the center hole and the salinity
will be measured in each. We will continue drilling up to 7 holes on
each island proceeding in the direction toward the freshest indicated

ground water; this will provide the maximum number of well sites having

the freshest water for potential utilization. Water will be pumped from

the wells,


and sampled.

Radionuclides, major elements, nutri-

ents, and bacteria measurements will be made at the Laboratory to provide

data for water quality. Specific wells (to be defined in the field) will
be pumped continuously over a day and serially sampled to follow the
changes in water quality as a function of usage. Recommendations will be
made on the potential usefulness of the ground water reservoir for agriculture, household, or drinking purposes. Two closely spaced wells, located
in high Csl137 disturbed soil columns on the local ground water quality.
Soil leaching and lysimeter experiments are also planned. The well loca-

tions, ‘drilling, and sampling, however, are our first priorities during
the two weeks allotted for this program.

Select target paragraph3