
pie have cfven the Jectan raturn issue cansiverzole thoucht.

4t tris

ting va olan te rrecsed with the retura, crorasly abeut fori} Vo7s,

efter tea plan for living, esrkdar aad setaert nes been fully assessed.
‘io feel an eblicattan to hemor the comtitient, ospetislly since tie

Councd] pressed én orcincnea which in part agcressed
tion set ferth ty AEC.

the sefety consicera-

The Distad has also assured us that a full-tire

aopeinted representative would enforce cll restrictions.

At present,

we are worrine on an interecency sarport actrzetint between tha Gasartcren
ef the Taterter ena the defense nucrecr Atsncy coencerning o2a return of
50 tecnls.

In sucsary, wa want to restate our position thet AEC must be cacnletely

involved in the Cikidad prefect on a rather Tull-tire tisis. ca sucgest
én interacancy rou te. sot un to pirticinste ia 2)) precrass retetes
ce ctefad. This ure stiquld qaclucge rerreserntatives frow O21, Fl
fing UES siaas ALC, volves and lisrver, ani ULSe. Ve will take the
lead in sert > this up. It may b9 erprosrigte to have a creating in the

near futura since a vaster plen {fs now being presared by Holmes and


fo also strongly urce that a covuerehanetve radfolozical assessent, such

as that dons on incvetek, be undertaken by AZZ at the carijest rossibia
tine. The SOIT/TTPL have en enzoing rehabilitation oresrac that should

not be inhibited by lack of conn lete up-te-dete radislocical cata.


Office of Territorial Affairs stands ready te assist this effort in any

way possible, and Jocks forsard t9 your ezrly response so ve may proceed
ina cooperative effort.

incerely yours, --




Stanley S. Cersentor

Director of Territorial Affairs

Cr. Hartin 8. Giles, Ofrector

Division cf Operational Safety

Atonic Enesy Comission
Kashington, 0.C. 20545

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Select target paragraph3