
United States Department of the Interior

Pie 4


Cear Cr. Biles:

Pe Pscof{ved your Tetier dated havecber &, 1674,
rel issues concerning biking end Inavets

in which you agdressed

Ha, too, feel thet cur offices should xaintain a closer working

relaticnship and asree taet rehabili paaied mlans ara rostar olan
dovelennant should be ecordinated with vou in efvernce of isplenentation. Frashly, it “as surprisin? thet the concern vou hid o1 the
hiniat coastruction and rehabilitation was no¢ fercetully vcicad to
ut unt{] this time. Your representatives nave reny tices observed
ehat %2s being done on Efhini, vet wa have roa recerd of comswnication

fren the Ateufe Cnersy Comvissfo n that the dfrection of the pregraa

was -iesroener.

Upon reviewing the Ad Hoc Cosiittca’s renort it fs clear that tneu

wes the first choice for habitation but tikinf wes nat oracluded as
unsafe. Thes, since the pcoole exmressed 2 strong desfre to return
to Dikini, that fs there the erdcinal heuscs tere bullt. It {is our

understanding tnedt the AEC was mace aware oF tee p neple's fealings

and,as sentioned, 03 chiecticn was volccs as AEC wi tnassed the

construction orogranm.

ue feel that

your resort cntitled “Radiation. -

Safety Considerations at fikini reall,7 Yay 1°70 (enclosed),serves ~

es a sound Justification to supesrt cur past efforts.

Other than

coconut crabs, pancanus was the enly feod senticnrad as neading srecial

attention and the rest of the recort Ws eesitive fras a safety point --

of view.

Or. Gustafson’s 1965 report was also positive.

You also tontitned a rusor that coral other than that froa the PeterGbhoe site was used in constructing buildings. Exciesed fs a copy of

a letter frou the ceneral contractor stating that the Peter-Ghee site
was the only coral source. Vou ufll note that tre bikini District
Adzinistrator's Representativa attests to the correctness of the

As respects your coment on the slow coconut tree orovwth, the Distad

Harshalis has told us that the trees are cencrally dcina well in licht
of the rather linited rainfall}. Trust Territory agticulturists are

following up with soll checks to ascertain the nced for additicnal




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