Sr-90 in any appreciable amount is found only in the land crabs.


level of Sr-90 activity has remained rather constant since May 1954
although there may be considerable individual variation in samples from
one place at one time.
The radioisotopes present in a July 1957 Kabelle Island soil sample vere

as follows:

CelS4-prl44, 427; ve55, 41%; Rul06.2n106, 9%; gb125, 3.7%;

Eu, 1.4%; sr90-y%, 1.3%; cal37, 412; mn54,

12%; coOS,

12; zr95-mg95,


In land plants most of the gamma activity is due to cs137 but in coconut
milk and meat there is a trace of zx95~g95,

In the algae most of the

activity ia due to cel44.prl44 with & low amount of Buy?06..RH10677-95.47995

and a trace of 2n®5,

The only $r90 found in fish tissues have been traces (maximum value 14 s.u.)
in the reef fish from the July 1957 collection and one bonito from the 1955

collection. 2085, Co57, Co60and mn54 vere common in all soft tissues.


a fish liver about 40% of the total activity was due to Zn55; 28% to Co%7,
Co58, and Co69; 26% to Fe55; and about 6% to unidentified radioisotopes.
In the liver of the coconut crab (Birgus) and the kidney of the clam (Tridacna)

2n§5 and Co60 account for a large pert of the total activity.
Food samples collected by Dr. Conard have been sent to HASL for analysis and
the food samples collected at Rongelap this month (see Page 4) will be analyzed

upon arrival at the University of Washington.
The reports listed on pages 2 and 4 and the data made reference to on pages

4 and 5 are available if needed.


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