The biological data from collections made between March 26, 1954, and

July 24, 1956, are summarized in the report by Dunning (August, 1957),
"Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Ocean from

Nuclear Tests".

Since 1956 there have been three radfobiological surveys

(the last two were part of the ecology program) one in July 1957, a second
in March 1958 and the third in August - September 1958.

A report for the

three surveys will be prepared upon completion of analyses of samples from
the most recent collection.

Specific information has been provided upon

request but the data have not been assembled in report form.

For the July 1957 collection the following data are on hand:


Survey meter readings at Rongelap and Kabelle Islands.


Average values by years for 1954, 1955, 1956 and 1957 for (1).


Radicassay for zn®>, co27, Co98, CoS, re55, Mn°4and sr90 of fish
liver from Aidlinginae Atoll.


Gross radioactivity of land plants and algae from Rongelap and Ailinginae.


Comparison of Sr?0 levele-liver, muscle, skeleton - in land crabs
collected in 1956 and 1957 and inter-laboratory comparisons (BRASL-U. of W.)

For the March, 1958 collection the following data are on hand:


A summary report of the soil studies which was the major effort of the
firat field trip for the ecology program.


Survey meter readings at Rongelap Atoll.


Strontium units in bone samples from 13 Rongelap I. rats.


Strontium units in one bone sample from a pig Rongelap I.


Strontium units in skeleton and muscle of land crabs from Rongelap (5),
Eniaetok (2) and Rabelle (5).



Strontium units in Scaevola leaves, Rongelap I.

Select target paragraph3