prepared for human consumption and purchased locally from a commercial

These results are being investigated further.

shows the results of those samples purchased commercially.

Table l
Details of

this survey will be covered in a separate report.


Two high-volume air sampling systems have been obtained and will be
placed in the field northeast of the NTIS by the end of the present

calendar year.

Wind speed and direction will be recorded using National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration--Air Resources Laboratory instrumentation.
Several drainage basins approximately 160 km northeast of the NTS are
presently being considered as a second sampling area to investigate
concentrating effects of radionuclides in soil.

A basin with high

sheer walls which act as impingement collectors is being sought.
Soil sampling and analysis will continue in order to close existing
gaps in the data array.

Collecting these samples will require more

time than previous samplings due to the remoteness of the sampling area
and the difficulties caused by terrain.
During the summer of 1975, a study will be executed in the off-NTS area
to evaluate the hypothesis that radionuclides accumulate near vegetation
where erosion products are deposited.


Select target paragraph3