As for bacteria, the percentage of Streptomyces

(Table 1) increased

in general with soil depth before planting as well as at harvest.

It is quite revealing to compare the live weights of the desert
microflora with those of more fertile soils.

It has been estimated

by Bollen (1959) that one hectare of fertile soil down to a depth of
17 cm (plough depth) can contain as much as 1,250 kg of bacteria and
actinomycetes each and up to 2,500 kg of fungi, or a total of up to
5,000 kg of soil microorganisms.

One can also estimate the live

weight of desert microflora from data such as presented in Table 1.
If one very conservatively assumes that for the 0-9 cm depth segment
a moderately fertile soil has a live weight of only 288 kg of fungi
per hectare, as cited by Alexander (1961),
fungi in every gram of this soil.

then one has about 35,000

Since experimentally 8,700 fungi

per gram were found in NTS Area 13 soil, one can estimate a live
weight of approximately 70 kg of fungi per hectare of the NTS soil
before planting.

Using the same basis of comparison for the 17,100

fungi per gram of NTS Area 13 soil found at harvest, the live weight
would be approximately 140 kg per hectare, an increase of about 100%.

if one assumes a very conservative live weight of 175 kg

of bacteria per hectare in the 0-9 cm depth segment of a moderately
Fertile soil at a population count of 115 million per gram of soil
(Alexander, 1961; Clark, 1967), then the 4.4 million bacteria per
gram determined for the NTS soil before planting would amount to a

live weight of nearly 7 kg per hectare.

Using the same method for

the population of 52 million bacteria per gram at harvest, one may
calculate a live weight of about 79 kg of bacteria per hectare, or a

12-fold increase in the live weight of bacteria in NTS soil.
The above results demonstrate that microbial activity in desert soil
increases with increasing plant growth.

This increase in activity is

due at least in part to an increased supply of nutrients, especially
root exudants.

Since the common soil fungus, Aspergillus niger, can

assimilate plutonium, it is reasonable to assume that other soil
fungi, such as Penicillium, and probably soil bacteria, may possess
similar abilities.

Plutonium assimilation by soil organisms obviously

requires the formation of complexes which can penetrate the microbial
cell wall.

Upon death of the microbial cells, the cellular contents


Select target paragraph3