Prior to the placement of the greenhouses and planting of vegetable
seeds, soil samples were taken from the 0-3, 3-6, and 6-9 cm segments

of the vertical trench profile.

Similarly, soil samples were col-

lected during the harvest of mature plants from within the greenhouses
at the same depth intervals.

Forty-eight soil samples were collected.

Previous experiments in NTS soils had shown that no major changes in
the microbial population could be expected to occur during the time
period of these experiments

(Au, 1972).

Accordingly, no further soil

samples were collected from outside of the greenhouse structures.
Soil moisture of the collected soil samples was determined in separate
experiments according to standard procedures

(Pramer and Schmidt,

Dilution plate counts were made of the collected soil samples to
quantify and differentiate the fungal and bacterial populations.
From each soil sample, an amount corresponding to 20 g of oven-dried
soil was added to 100 ml of sterile distilled water and shaken for 10

Coarser particles were allowed to settle, and 1-ml samples of

the soil suspension were used to prepare dilutions for plate counts
according to standard procedures



The dilutions used

were 5 x 1077 and 5 x 107? for molds, and 5 x 107* and 5 x 107° for
bacteria and Streptomyces counts.

Five plates were poured of each

Cooke's Rose Bengal agar with antibiotic added was used

for fungal determinations,

and sodium albuminate agar was used for

bacteria and Streptomyces determinations.

The plates were incubated

at room temperatures; fungal and bacterial counts were made after 2
and 14 days, respectively.

In addition to the microbial plate counts,

the classification and the relative abundance (in percent of the

total fungal and bacterial numbers) were determined for the fungi
Muecors, Aspergttllus, Pentcilltum,

and Demattaceae as well as for the

bacterial genus Streptomyces.


In this discussion, only the overall changes of microbial population

caused by the agricultural use of the soil will be highlighted.




Select target paragraph3