niger and transported to its spores (Au and Beckert, 1974; Au et al.,

This suggests that soil fungi, and probably bacteria, could

facilitate the transport of radionuclides in soil and enhance their
transfer from soil to plants.

Therefore, the laboratory became

interested in fluctuations of soil microbial populations caused by
agricultural use of a desert soil, and in their possible consequences
for plutonium translocation in soil and plutonium uptake from soil by
other organisms.

Changes were assessed of the soil microbial biomass

which resulted from controlled plant growth and irrigation under
simulated agricultural conditions.

These changes were studied as

part of a field investigation designed to determine plutonium uptake
by radishes and lettuce under controlled conditions from previously
uncultivated soil in Area 13 of NTS.


Small, transportable greenhouses were placed over two l.2mx1.2m
plots in Area 13 of NTS.

Trenches were dug for their emplacement so

that the greenhouse structures extended approximately 30 cm below the
soil surface.

The access doors were sealed to prevent surface con-

tamination by dust.

The air in the greenhouse was recirculated and

cooled or heated with portable temperature-modifying units.


1.2 mx 1.2 m plot was subdivided into four 0.6 m x 0.6 m subplots.
The soil surface of experimental areas was covered with plastic
sheets with 2 cm holes arranged in an 8 cm grid pattern.


sheets eliminated surface contamination of the aerial plant parts
from soil within the greenhouses.

Radish and lettuce seeds were

placed through the holes into undisturbed soil.
irrigants were used on the crops:

Four different

distilled water, water containing

the disodium salt of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), water
containing inorganic fertilizer (ammonium nitrate plus phosphoric

and water containing both DTPA and the inorganic fertilizer.

DTPA and inorganic fertilizer were applied at a rate corresponding to
2,750 kg per hectare for each of these components.


Select target paragraph3