Hematological Studies

Base line hematological data obtained from 50 rodents (3 species) and
22 lizards (5 species) from off-site areas of southern Nevada have
geen gathered.

Blood cell counts and blood composition values for

some rodents are presented in Tables 3 and 4.

These and additional

data from off-site areas will be used as a basis for evaluating blood
values obtained from resident animals of NAEG intensive study areas.
These animals will be sacrificed in the summer of this year, at which
time they will have been residents in Pu-contaminated areas for at
least three months.


After nearly three years of ecological study, the small vertebrate
composition of seven NAEG intensive study areas is reasonably well

Over 350 vertebrate tissue samples have been collected and

shipped for radioanalysis.

Based on preliminary data, certain prob-

lems and trends are apparent:

Access to certain NAEG study areas is limited and unpredictable

due to other ERDA activities.

Climatic conditions strongly influence small vertebrate activities and population estimates.


Pu tissue burdens of animals collected from the same strata and

sampling sites are not consistent and vary widely.

Pu/Am ratios vary between species, between individuals of the

same species, and between tissues of individuals. Some data
suggest that there is a preferential uptake of Am in at least
certain species.

To facilitate a better understanding of population densities and
trophic relationships as they relate to Pu and Am availability,
uptake, and deposition, the following is proposed:



Select target paragraph3