This Nevada Applied Ecology Group publication is the result of a
workshop held at the U.S. Federal Building, Las Vegas, Nevada, on

May 6-7, 1975.
The document is comprised of summary progress reports of investigators and support activities of the Nevada Applied Ecology Group
(NAEG) , Nevada Operations Office,

funded by the Division of Military

Application, Headquarters, ERDA.

the NAEG investigators have provided an update of

various environmental studies currently in progress at the Nevada
Test Site (NTS).

The investigations are part of an integrated

research program, designed:

to provide information on the movement

of plutonium and other radionuclides in the environment of NTS;


predict any possible associated hazard to man; and to recommend
related cleanup and treatment,

if required, for radioactively con-

taminated areas.
Previous publications of the Nevada Applied Ecology Group, ERDA,
Nevada Operatioms Office, include Report NVO-142, The Dynamies of

Plutontum in Desert Environments, July 1974; and Report NVO-153,
The Radtoecology of Plutontum and Other Transurantes in Desert
Envtronments, June 1975.

Numerous other reports by NAEG investi-

gators have been provided in institutional publications, journals,
symposia, etc.

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