Some base line hematological data obtained from 50 rodents collected

from uncontaminated control areas off-site are presented.

These data

will be used as a basis for comparison with blood values obtained
from resident animals of NAEG intensive study areas.
Possible future plans are discussed,

such as reducing the number of

continuous study areas, and intensifying the investigation of certain
areas to include preliminary observations on the availability of Pu
and Am in rodent burrows.


Ecological studies of vertebrates in the three Pu-contaminated areas
of NTS began in spring, 1972, and were expanded to include four areas
of TTR in fall, 1973.

During the initial phases of this study,

emphasis was on the development and improvement of standardized
procedures for inventory,


and collection of small vertebrates.

This methodology is discussed in previous reports (Moor and Bradley,
1974; Bradley and Moor,


This report includes analysis of data

obtained during the contract period from the continuous study of
seven areas of NTS and TTR.

In addition, hematological studies of

lizards and rodents began in fall,


Emphasis during the report

period has been on collecting vertebrates from areas off-site to
obtain base line hematological data for comparisons with data which
will be gathered from resident vertebrates of NAEG intensive study
areas in the summer of this year.


Census Methods

Various standard census methods were employed to obtain a qualitative
and quantitative inventory of the vertebrate biota in each NAEG


Select target paragraph3