The total number of NAEG intensive-study area aliquots which have

been prepared for radiological analysis as of March 1975 is soil
aliquots, 2,662; vegetation aliquots, 1,214;

small animal tissues,

327; and large animal samples, 337.
During March, REECo personnel supported a dry run for large animal
sample preparation at the NAEG hot sample (high-level radioactivity)
facility at NRDS,

Jackass Flats.

The dry run,

performed under an

NAEG contract to LFE, consisted of performing sample preparation on
large animal tissue and bone samples.

Cobalt-60 tracer was used in

the dissolution and ashing process to check radioactivity handling
and processing procedures.

The two major objectives were to determine

what preparation problems might develop under different laboratory
and equipment conditions, and to determine health physics measures
necessary to prevent radioactive contamination of personnel and

As a result of the dry run, protocols are being developed

for the preparation at the hot sample facility of large animal samples
containing transuranics.
Considerable REECo effort has been expended on the NAEG data bank.
The culmination of some of this effort is indicated by the NAEG
intensive-study area data printout, distributed to NAEG element
managers and investigators during this period.


Plans for REECo support activities for Fiscal Year 1976 include the

At least 12 trips to the TTR are anticipated for collection of
small animals, soil, vegetation, and for resuspension studies.


On-NTS activity is expected to be of a larger magnitude than in
the past.

Primary support activity will be the sample prepara-

tion and/or shipment of about 2,000 large animal samples.


Select target paragraph3