were considered. The fit to these 31 data pairs is shown in Fig.
11. As in Fig. 9, the two lines are not parallel nor coincident,
although By is slightly nearer 0 and 8, slightly nearer 1. Statistically speaking, however, the null hypothesis that 8) = OQ and 8, = 1
Hence, the inclusion of profile samples with
was still rejected.
low-level Pu concentrations does not appear to materially affect the
regression relationship between the logs of Pu concentrations in BM
and sieved soil fractions.

The comparison between BM and sieved results in Figs. 9 and 10 is
complicated by the fact that one laboratory analyzed the BM aliquots
and another the sieved aliquots.

That is, part of the differences

between BM and sieved results may be due to differences between

Table 6 gives 239-2405, concentrations on BM and

sieved aliquots of surface soil samples from stratum 2 of Area 13,
all of which were analyzed by LASL.

In Table 7, plutonium concentra-

tions are given for BM and sieved aliquots from the 10 levels of a
single profile sample in stratum 3 of Area 13, all of which were
analyzed by LFE.

The logs of these data are plotted in Figs. 12

and 13, and linear fits made to the data.
on surface samples in Fig.


Concerning the LASL data

the Pu concentrations in sieved

samples are consistently higher than in BM fraction aliquots, and Bq:
8, are significantly different from zero and 1, respectively, so that

the two lines in Fig. 12 are neither parallel nor coincident.
range of concentrations in Fig.

12 is about the same as that in

11 where this same conclusion was reached.

2385, for these aliquots.


LASL also reported

These data are not given here, but a plot

of the data and the fitted line look almost identical to that for

239-2405. in Fig. 12 with identical conclusions.
Table 7

(plotted in Fig.

The LFE data from

13) exhibit considerable scatter since 8

of the 10 samples are at depths greater than 5 cm with resulting low

Pu concentrations in both BM and sieved soil fractions.

Note that

the scatter below log concentrations of -2.0 for both BM and sieved
aliquots is about the same in Fig.
fitted line in Fig.

13 as it is in Fig.



13 suggests that sieved aliquots tend to yield

Pu concentrations greater than obtained on BM aliquots.


there are no statistically significant differences between the fitted


Select target paragraph3