The average concentration of 239-2405, in A Site over all three

strata is 11.0 + 8.07 pCi/g (X + S.E.) which is close to the 21 + 6.6
(1975, Table 16),

pCi/g reported in Gilbert et al.

for the <5,000 cpm

The plutoregion in Area 11, of which A Site is a part (Fig. 1).
nium levels in A Site are low compared with those at B, C, and D
Sites in Area 11 (Table 16, Gilbert et aZ.,

vegetation mean to soil mean for


The ratio of

239-2405, in A Site is 0.095 (Table

If one considers only the 14 paired soil, vegetation Pu concen-

trations, the ratio of vegetation mean to soil mean is 0.064 + 0.096,
which is similar to that reported in Gilbert et al.
for Area 1l.

(1975, Table 17)

The paired vegetation-soil data for 2354 and 2381 for

all strata combined are plotted in Figs.

3 and 4.

The estimated

linear correlation between soil and vegetation is 0.93 for 2354 but
only 0.35 for 2387

The higher correlation for 2354 could be related

to the preponderance of this isotope in the device, whereas the 2385
present is primarily natural uranium.

Three models have been fit to these data in Figs. 3 and 4.


oy, = 8x, +e;

, where 8, = on Yi! de Ky


yy = Box, + ey

, where 8, = Pa (y,/x,)/n


y, = By + 8x, +e;





the usual linear regression model (see Snedecor and Cochran, 1967, p.

for discussions on Models 1 and 2).

inappropriate for both 2354 and 2381

It is clear that Model 2 is

that Model 1 is considerably

better, but that Model 3 is the best of the three for 2351, it too

being inadequate for 238y.

The poor fits using the commonly used

ratio estimates 8, and 85 suggest that calculation of such ratios
without first plotting the data and checking for adequate fits can
give misleading results.

Gilbert et al.

(1975) report similar poor

fits using By and B5 for 239-2405, concentrations in adjacent soil
and vegetation samples at the other safety-shot sites.

Model 3 was

also fit to the logs of the soil and vegetation pairs, but the

Select target paragraph3