activity strata, the 239-2405, concentrations in sieved soil aliquots

can be considerably higher than obtained for ball-mill (BM) aliquots.
Ratios of sieved to BM Pu activities as high as 25 are reported. For
very low-level samples, however, the concentrations in BM aliquots
That is, the ratio
are often higher than those in sieved aliquots.
of BM to sieved Pu concentrations does not appear in most cases to be
constant over all activity levels.

These data suggest that estimates

of inventory in high-activity strata that are based only on sieved
aliquots could be elevated 15 to 20 times above estimates obtained

using BM fraction aliquots.

Elevations on the order of 2.5 times

appear possible for lower-activity strata.

Pu concentrations in <100

mesh and >100 mesh soil fractions from the same soil sample are also
compared. Eighteen of 21 ratios (<100 mesh/>100 mesh) were greater
than 1, the highest ratio observed being 119.

Regression analyses

indicate the <100 mesh concentrations are significantly elevated over
the >100 mesh concentrations and that the ratio is not constant over
the range of activities encountered.

An attempt is made to "correct" the <100 and >100 mesh Pu concentrations back to field conditions by taking into account the proportion
by weight of these soil fractions in the total soil sample collected
and then computing a weighted mean Pu concentration.

These corrected

concentrations are more nearly equal to corresponding BM concentrations from the same soil sample, but the lack of a complete correction
suggests that differences between laboratories as well as differences
between the actual amounts of plutonium in soil fractions may in part
account for differences between BM and sieved soil results.


possible options for future action in obtaining final estimates of
239-2405, inventory in the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) and Area 11 are
discussed relative to these results.


In Gilbert et aZ.

(1975), the available 239-2405, and 241sm concentra-

tions in soil samples from 9 of the 10 safety-shot study sites were
analyzed relative to estimating the inventory and geographical distri-

bution of plutonium in surface soil.

Data from the remaining study

Select target paragraph3