The initiation of environmental sampling porgrams at nuclear event
sites on the NTS must begin, as always, with precisely written statements of the objectives for sampling.

It might be helpful to have

written copies of these objectives sent to all participating scientists so that decisions made during the course of these studies
will not be in conflict with established objectives.

Some guidance

relative to the level of precision desired in estimated quantities

should be given to permit the selection of adequate numbers of
samples and appropriate survey and laboratory measurement techniques.
Stratified random sampling is expected to be useful at the nuclear
sites in estimating total amounts of contaminates present, although a
field survey instrument other than the FIDLER will,
be required to define strata.

The usefulness of


it is presumed,
double sampling

to estimate total amounts at these sites and (2) whether any of the

modifications in sampling plans suggested above for the safety-shot
sites might be useful in these new areas, needs to be evaluated.


thorough study of maps, surveys, and other data available on these
nuclear sites well in advance of actual field sampling should result
in better sampling plans in terms of obtaining more information for a
fixed cost.

Consultations between NAEG personnel and those familiar

with field activities at the test sites since the time of detonation
is strongly encouraged.

It is also necessary to become familiar with

the kinds of survey and laboratory analytical equipment appropriate
for these sites.
Consideration should be given to the adequacy of the present NAEG
data bank system relative to the needs associated with sampling at
nuclear sites.

Since modifications may be required, someone familiar

with the system should be involved in planning sessions where sampling
designs are discussed.

Consideration should be given toward modifica-

tions to the data bank that will permit greater interaction between
the scientist and the data.



Select target paragraph3