A computer-controlled sampling system is undergoing final develop-

ment at Livermore.

This system will monitor and record a variety

of meteorological parameters and can turn samplers on and off
according to preset constraints in terms of meteorological

This system will be used for long-term studies

designed to verify predictive models.

Field operation of this

system should begin early in FY 1976.
Additional data analysis is being performed on measurements made
at the GMX site.

This includes our own measurements for which

radionuclide analyses only recently became available and data
collected by Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company, Inc.
(REECo), at this site before our own measurement program started.
Analysis of data collected at other NTS locations is also under

Data will be reported for the concentration of resuspended

Mass and 2395 and for their distributions with particle size.
The resuspension element has been actively supporting development
of a more sensitive in sttu detector for 23 Pu and/or 241am,


the past, we have reported a general calibration method (Anspaugh
et al., 1972) for the FIDLER and have also reported on the use
of a large Ge(Li) in situ detector which is an order of magnitude
more sensitive than the FIDLER.

A prototype of a more desirable

Ge(Li) detector configuration has been fabricated and is undergoing laboratory testing.

If these are successful, field trials

in the GMX location will be conducted in early FY 1976.


A major experimental program at the GMX site is scheduled to begin in

The airborne sampling system will be used to measure

mass concentrations in dust devils in order to estimate the mass flux
per dust devil.

The frequency of occurrence of dust devils will also

be recorded by ground observers.

At the same time, surface air

sampling for 2395, determination will be conducted with emphasis on
studying resuspension during a range of meteorological conditions


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July, 1975.

Select target paragraph3