supplied which explained the code and the various categories that had

been used to classify the projects,

Dr. Bugher told of the interest

that the Commission as a whole had taken in the statistical data that
has been obtained from IBM equipment and how useful it will be to the
controller, especially when material has to be prepared for the Bureau

of the Budget for transmittal to the Congress.
Review of the Budget

Mr. Stanwood briefly described the AEC

budget for the fiscal year 1956,

He mentioned the construction program

which has an item for presentation to the Congress of $6.5 million for
the Brookhaven Medical Center and reactor,

The Commission budget in-=

cludes $8,0 million in community facilities and some $30,0 million in
Mr. Stanwood spoke of the breakdown of the AEC budget which would
allot $27,0 million to the Division of Biology and Medicine,

In re-

sponse to the General Manager's request that a readable approach be

given to the budget in order that it might be more understandable to the
Bureau of the Budget and the Congress, the following division of effort
was presented:

radiation effects on biological systems, $9,0 million;

combating radiation detrimental effects, $3, million; beneficial
application of atomic energy, $7.3 million; biomedical problems in
atomic energy operations, $5.7 million; radiation equipment development,

$1.0 millions; vocational and special training, $0.6 million,


Select target paragraph3