from radioisotopes,

Disposal of radioactive wastes at sea is beginning

to draw the interests of oceanographers,

The cost of feasibility

studies of disposal at sea wiil be high.

Dr, Claus then spoke on the

"Backlog of Health Physics Problems",

He said that in the General

Managerts Bullesins the Division of Biology and Medicine is assigned the
responsibility -= the development of standards and policies for safeguarding the health of atomic workers and the general population
against hazards arising from atomic energy operations,
Dr, Claus brought out that manpower shortage in the Biopnysics
Branch is such that many important problems in health physics can be
treated only superficially,

Often other Divisions in the AEC must de-

vote some of their time and cffort to problems logically falling in the
Biovhysics area of interest,
He stated further that contractors are being delegated more responsibility in handling their health physics problems and this has resulted
in wide diversity of regulation standards for health safety and in procedures for dosimetry and health protection,
standards of safety,

‘Some are relaxing their

Whether this is good or bad - ~ has not been de-

It was pointed out this impasse indicates the necd for addi-

tional health physicists to devote full time attention to such problems,
The need of a manual on radiation protection for use by AEC and —
extra AEC activities has been underlined by the increasing use of


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