Item (2) Subcom-

mittcc of ACDM re

A general discussion was held on the feasi-

Sugecstion of

bility of establishing lines of contact and com-

ago of Minpower

munication to institutions in their geographic

Aileviating Short-

area to advise them of the facilities and means of support that are

available for worthwhile research projects and for the need of potentially productive pcople,

The problem was considered as being critical,

Dr, Failla brought out the importance of aiming at the students of high
school level,

In other words, try to induce young men of promise to go

into science when they are deciding what college to matriculate with - and what sort of a career to follow,

Dr. Failla stated further that it

might be wise to start clubs in high schools - some schools are more
directed toward science than others = and perhaps a small amount of
money could be allocated to such work,
The acting chairman asked Dr, Failla to assume the responsibility
of acting as chairman of the subcommittee and with the assistance of the
full committce to find some ways and means of alleviating the shortage
of scientific manpower,

Dr, Failla agreed to take over the new assign-


Item (3)

Naming nominees for membership to the ACBM,

After an explanatory statement by Dr, Warren regarding the naming of
nominees to membership on the ACBM it was voted to change the last para-

graph, Page 25, to read as follows:

Select target paragraph3