the area and of the expeditious and successful manner in which it was

Mr, Eisenbud, who went to Japan as soon as the AEC learned

of the fall-out on a Japanese fishing vessel provided the meeting with

an interesting narrative regarding the problem,

Dr, Claus and Dr,

Pearson both spoke on fall-out problems as they concern their respective Branches - Biophysics and Biology.
Follow-Up Medical
Examination of

Exposed Population
of the Marshail

Dr. Bugher reported briefly on the followup medical examination of the exposed population
of the Marshall Islands,

He reviewed the first

medical study and stated that all of the people have recovered completely as far as objective signs are concerned with the possible exception of very slight skin changes,
Comment and Recom=
mendations of Com~

In connection with the International Program

mittee Concerning

and Dr, Bugher's recommendation as listed pre-


viously a broad discussion ensued.

International Pro=

After a full

consideration and a request for comments on the specific questions the
following recommendations were made:

the committee unanimously recom-

mended that anything that can be done within the legal limits in the way
of facilitating the distribution of isotopes throughout South America
should be encouraged; that restrictions imposed by law or regulation
should be kept to a minimum and that the responsibility for distribution
- once the material has gone to the proposed centers should be centered



Select target paragraph3