(which is very low) and from radionuclides remaining in the soil from
nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll;


internal irradiation from radionuclides

deposited in the body as a consequence of eating foods from the island
area (including foods grown in the contaminated soil and marine life from
the lagoon)

and from inhaling airborne radionuclides.

Because of

metabolic characteristics of the predominant radionuclides
and strontium-90)

at Eneu,

bone marrow doses



are expected to be slightly

greater than whole body doses, and will be the limiting exposure.
The external radiation dose rate has been determined from data
obtained during a recent aerial radiological survey.

The external

doses to whole body and bone marrow for Eneu residents were calculated

using measurements of external radiation and estimates of time spent in
various areas of

the island



island interior,

on the

lagoon, etc.).
The internal radiation doses were calculated from estimates of the
amounts and kinds of food in the diet (with and without imported foods)
and from measurements of
drinking water

the radionuclide content of these foods

(see Attachments




and 4).

and of

Levels of radio~

activity in food shown in these attachments were obtained from analysis
of samples collected on Eneu Island, except for pandanus which was not
yet available.

Since pandanus would be a diet constituent,


contributed dose is calculated from uptake coefficients and soil
concentrations of radionuclides.

The 30-year dose commitment is

calculated assuming only radioactive decay with no reduction from
other possible mechanisms.

Select target paragraph3