The relatively low dose rates in most locations did not permit definitive
assessments of beta dose rates by thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) during
the 1975 survey.

Beta dose estimates will be attempted in the village area

and in the interior at Bikini Island by in situ beta counting and beta
absorption measurements.

The 1975 ground gamma survey data will be used

to select approximately three locations for beta measurements in the village
area and three in the interior based on observed gamma exposure rates.
The subsistence garden in the village area will be observed for previously sampled items and for new items which may have matured since the
1975 survey.

Selected plant items and associated surface soil will be

collected for laboratory analysis.

Samples of mature breadfruit will be

collected depending on availability.
Lastly, LiF TLDs

left in the village area during the 1975 survey will

be collected, and attempts will be made to buy or barter for specimens
of local livestock for laboratory analysis of organ burdens for various
Nam-Bokata Complex
Two approximately north-south running transects will be cut through
the vegetation at Nam Island.

The approximate routes will be determined

from enlarged high altitude aerial photographs taken during the 1975 survey,
and supplied to us by EG &G,Inc.,

Measurements will be made of external

gamma and beta exposure rates at selected identifiable sites along each



Approximately three vertical soil profiles will be obtained along





and at other accessible sites on the island near recognizable land-

Select target paragraph3