
Ground water samples will be collected from the well in the camp area. .
Additional water samples will be taken for V. Noshkin, Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory, at his request.

Limited collections will be made of coconut

and other available plant material which is relevant to the Marshallese

If time permits, beta dose rates will be determined at selected

stations by direct beta counting and absorption measurements in the field.
Bikini Island
Ground water samples will be taken from the USGS well and from the new
(1975) wells where possible.

LLL per their request.

Additional samples will be collected for

A pooled sample of catchment water will be

collected from the houses in the village area.
Sediments will be collected from catchment bottoms where possible
for analysis for resuspended radionuclides, particularly alpha emitters,
which may have been deposited on the roof tops and subsequently carried
into the cisterns by rainwater.

Samples of deposited dust will be collected

from the houses for analysis for resuspended alpha emitters,

The cistern

sediment and house dust samples are expected to provide a qualitative
indication of the mobility of soil alpha emitters.

Fractionation of

plutonium and americium bearing particulates during soil resuspension and
redeposition may be inferred from differences between their specific







activities and those of near surface soil samples taken in the 1975 survey.

Select target paragraph3