The BNL Field Survey Leader will be responsible for the following:
1) direction of field survey operations; 2) coordination of the radio--



logical survey program with BNL Medical Department personnel who will be
remaining at Bikini for sick call; 3) management of analytical laboratory
efforts on samples collected; 4) preparation of the final survey report,
The survey team members will assist in field measurements, sample
collection and analysis, and interpretation of survey results as requested.


April 1

Latest arrival date for Survey Team members in Honolulu.

April 2

Departure to Kwajalein via MAC flight from Hickam AFB.

April 4

Personnel and cargo depart Kwajalein for Bikini via
C-54 charter.

Rendezvous with R. V. Liktanur and

with returning BNL Medical Survey Team members.
Followup sample collections on Eneu Island.
April 5-6

Followup sample collections and field measurements at
Bikini Island.

April 7-9

Survey at Nam-Bokata Island complex.

April 9

R. V. Liktanur depart Bikini for Kwajalein.

April 14

Personnel depart Kwajalein for Honolulu via MAC.
April 1976 Bikini Survey Plan

Field Survey Leader:
Team members:

N. A. Greenhouse

J. R. Naidu (BNL); F. J. Haughey (BNL); A. V. Kuehner (BNL);
M. S. Terpilak (BRH); K. A. Kastens (SUSB)

Select target paragraph3