at Bikini and Eneu Islands in an effort to establish trends in the transport
and loss of radionuclides at these locations.

Concept of Operations
The April 1976 Radiological Survey will include sampling of terrestrial

biota and soil, and external radiation measurements at Bikini, Eneu, Nan,
Boknegen, and Bokata Islands.

In addition,

catchment water and/or well

water will be sampled from existing sources on Bikini and Eneu Islands,
Personnel and cargo will assemble at Kwajalein and continue to Bikini
Atoll via a Kwajalein Missile Range C-54 charter flight to Eneu.

At this

point the radiological survey team will rendezvous with the R.V. Liktanur
and with returning members of the BNL Medical Survey Team.


R. V.

Liktanur will provide the base of operations for the radiological survey
and will transport survey personnel and cargo to Kwajalein when the survey
is completed.
Samples will be shipped via military aircraft and commercial air
freight from Kwajalein to BNL and LRE for analysis.

Organization and Responsibilities

The management of all survey operations will be the responsibility
of the BNL Field Survey Leader.
representatives of:

The survey team is expected to include

a) Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL); b) University

of Washington (LRE); c) Bureau of Radiological Health (USDHEW; BRH);
d) State University of New York, Stony Brook (SUSB).

Select target paragraph3