ae ewTTI,

Results of studies on animols were also presented by members of the
Jipyness Delegation, including Dr. 4. Wakaidanmi cf Tokyo University and Dr.
M,. tiacno cof Uckkaido University. Tho recent articles in the Bulletin of
the Inctitute for Chemical Lesearch of syoto University present-d by
Dr, S, Shimizu huve drawn attention.
at the afternoon session Dr. macno, of the Hokkaido University
Deprrtment of apriculture, referrins to Dr. tearson's oxplansticn in the
mornins session, described his firdi. gs on ce: reriments using Ca 46, ond
asked for comments. It was found thut the difference between th. two
recults was due to the differcuce crused by application of the substance
threuth the mouth in th: onze cas? and through injection in the «ther,

This discussion was folliwd by a presentation by Dr. Boss of a report
on the radioisetope uptak: by sqictic plants and animals living in waste
effluents of Okridges Nationa] Lobcrutory. He deseribed the tyves of clements
and distribution of ridioictivity in the fish and algae in th artificial
luke knew, 15 White Oak Lake, It wos explained that the cent usinetion of the
marin. Life varied geographteally between the influx from the x acter into
the Tak? end the outgoing point, und thot there wer alsc seasonal viriations, which were reen.t approiches to the studies, He alse give detailed
oxplunations of the redioactive influence on similur biolesie?l Life in

the Columbia Kiver due te the Hanford Ruactor,


This was follow-d by Dr,

who duserioed the dopinese resuarches on distribution of sontamina-

tion of set waiter nour Vikini,

The Chairman then otlled for som: results of the Japanuse rosvarchesy
and Dr. Hiyam. ive an outline of the recults obtained by Dr. Nnasawa
(Notional iyeionic Leborutery), the results of the Fisherios listitute of
the Lohye University, and other rosults of viricus laborutorie:s in Japan.
In the ovenine the delosttos wont to a dinner by the am rican delegates

riven, at the Sauno Hetol,

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