
Tuesday, ‘ovemLer 16

The second day of the conference wis devoted to reports from United
Stites ind Japinese scientists specializing in these fields on findings soncoming the movemsnt of redioictive fission products in soils, witer and
plants,ind uptike of fission materials ty animals, plankton and fish of various
species in various environments.

Prosiding .t the morning session was Dr. Yasuo Miyake of the dvpan
devlepitions at the afternoon session Dr. Walter Claus cf the United States

Opening the morning discussions Dr. Sterling Eendrick of the United
Statis Departnent of Agriculture addressed the conference in dopanese come
plimenting the Japan delegition members on having such 2 good conmand of
bnelish that mide th:ir reiction to English papers sc swift and curtain, and
that his sp:eded the propress of the meeting, Dr. Hendrick was complimented
by Dr. Miyake on his fluent and well-phrased Japanese speech.

Dr. Hendrick presented the results of rere than 2) research prejects
eairri:d on in the U.S. to detemnine the course of radioactive miterials resulting from atomic Fission when appli. d in measursd amcunts to experimental
plots and greenhour: plants,
Summarizing the eenclusions to ke rearched
from these data Dr. Honurick steted thit the sbserntion of radicstrontium and

ridiolodin2 is jimpertent. He observ d thit "the important thing we have
lewned is that ention fer:ins fission products do not reve about aprreciably
in th: seil: that thoy 2cb 1s elsaments common in the soil with resp ct to their
uptike by plants; «nd that there is small uptake because the seil is so
cufficiontly suppli do witn the cermon elemmts which arc preferr:d by the

Pr. Hendrick observed briefly thet h. hid 1o data on the entrance into
pinntis of fissicn products which fall upon their loaves and stems; but that


puneral finding wos that these do not unter much if at all

into the plant

system, He pointed out that any plant mterial which is prepared such as
rice will not be contaminated from this source.

Dr. Shingo Mitsui of Tokyo University rospended with published sunmmarias
eof his findines regarding uptoake of fission products when applied to the
leaves of plants, His findings indicated sane: d-pree of vbserption. Both
Mitsui and Hendrick agreed thrt much further study is required in this field
to g.t rt the facts,
The svcond prper cf the morning wis delivered by Dr. Paul PR, Fearson of
the U.S. Atomic Buerygy Comaission.
Dr. Fearson, with slides ,raphs, and
tables to illustrate, gave the results of scores of U.S. studies on the uptake
of fisston mitcri-ls by farm animels, including cattle, sheep ani chickens,
and of oxperimnt:l lnboratery animals such as rats and mice. from these
studies he presented whit is known concerning the course of five radioc-ctive
elorents -— strontiun, iodine, yttrium, ruthenium, mJ cesium -- througn th:
orfins of maprmis and fiwl, and inte their rroducts such 1s meat, milk and
wes, Dr. Fousen offered no conclusions from the studies, pointing out thet
nore werk ig eocing on continually and firm conclusions cannot yet be reached.

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