Hopkins University School. of | Medicine,‘prgonne National Labors ory;


““-"“Western Reserve University..School”of Medicine; University ofUtak School_
. of: Medicine; UCLA AEC:Project;University of Alabama MedicalSchool.|A~ |
total of approximately. 150 (including‘observers) physicians -~pd icipated:

in this"‘program representing. 36 states, the District of. Colum la, Alaska,
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.”

Radi ation Instruments Branch






Of the Wa industrial concerns solicited during the perliod from

January 19 to April 30, relative to civilian defense instruments, 2]; re-

sponses have been received. A procedure has been drafted fou evaluating
the proposals and criteria for contract selection. The seleqtion should
be completed during May. Tentative completion schedules and budgets have
been proposed for the radiological monitor.developments whicH are being

undertaken by AEC and prime contractor organizations. A prowosal received from the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory for sigilar development was accepted on April 25, and a letter agreement will be

with the Bureau of Ships-

entered into

Arrangements are. being made to“provide AEC instrumenthtion personnel
with supplementary plant facilities for designing and buildifig the special
electron tubes needed to. meet specific and exacting AEC requirements. A
steering committee, consisting of representation from the AMO

has recommended the facilities of the Research Laboratoriesfof the Radio

Corporation of America as being best suited to our needs.

‘he scope of a

proposed contract, presently under negotiation with RCA, isfdefined as



Research, development and consultation as muthally agreed a
upon on instrumentation for nuclear research, with pprticular ref-—
erence to the development of new. and improved electrpnic devices,
employing photosensitive and secondary emissive surfaces, electron
beams, storage elements and associated apparatus.
evelopment may
include the fabrication of a suitable number of moddls represent-—
ing the results of said research and development.
fhe performance
of work by the sub-contractor may be further defined fron time to

time by written instruction of the authorized repre§entative of
the contractor, duly acknowledged by the subcontracpor.

The Radiation Instruments Branch prepared a draft of the chapter
on radiation detection for inclusion in the Eighth Semi
al Report to

the Congress.

-~ 23-


Select target paragraph3