. Research Projects.Approvedor:
RenewedDuringsprit 1950"

- The following number of research: projects wereapproved or r

newed during April.for. direct AEC administration: —
Number of Projects

Biology |













— -$ «164,22%

- 59,100


In: addition, three projects,. totaling $3h, 000, were renewed] for
joint support by the Commission and the Office of. Naval Research.
proposals were -declined.
A list of proposals approved in April is
i available from the DiviSion of Biology and Medicine, and a similar list of proposals apprdved

during the first ) months of 1950 is being included as Appendix D df
Progress Report to the Joint Committee.


Semiannual Report to Congress
The Commission's Eighth Semiamuali Report to Congress is being
written around the theme of control of radiation hazards in the atbmic
energy program. This subject is largely the concern of the Divisipbn of

Biology and Medicine, and much time and effort during April was d

to gathering md preparing descriptions of how radiation affects
things, and how it is controlled through the devices and methods
health physics.

Biology Branch
Labeled drugs. At the University of Chicago, Dr. E.M.K. G@iling and his associates have prepared labeled digitoxin, nicotine, morphine,
and atropine with varying degrees of activity. Experiments with &nimais
have shown that existing knowledge on the metabolism of digitoxinJis in-

complete, and in some instances incorrect.

Thus, it has been as

for years that digitoxin is sldwly metabolized and excreted. By Fhe use
of labeled digitoxin it has been shown that this drug is rapidly metabolized and the products of metabolism rapidly excreted. It is anticipated
that by the use of labeled drugs information will be obtained on fthe
mechanism of their action.

Carbon 14 and tritium.

With the increased use of tritiumJand car-

bon 1); and the hazards in handling production quantities of tritfun,
steps have been taken to obtain more complete information on theffmetabolism of these materials and their effects on plants and animals.J Work is
initiated as rapidly as possible at Argonne and Los dso
- 20 =


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