This materLlal is obviously not particulate, but is present in insufficient
concentration for characterization using current methods,
The question
remains--what is the form of the small quantity of Pu available to plants?
This information is essential to understanding the mechanisms whereby Pu
may be resupplied to solution from the solid phase in a range of soils
and to predictions of the long-term availability of Pu to plants,
investigations of Pu valence state in a neutral, 0.0004 M NH,HCO3; solution
equilibrated with PuO2 microspheres and in burial groundleachates,
Bondietti and Reynolds (1976) concluded that Pu(VL) may be stable in
significant quantities in solution and suggested that monomeric Pu(VI) and
its complexes may be important in Pu mobilization.
In the present studies,
several lines of evidence were presented suggesting that that Pu ions are
stabilized in soil solution by inorganic or organic ligands for subsequent
uptake by the plant.
Furthermore, equilibration of weathered Pu-contami-

hated soil with chelating resins has been shown (Bondietti et al., 1975)

to result in significant desorption of Pu from the solid phase.
It is
known that organic ligands result in the most stable Pu complexes.
organic ligands in soil are generally derived from microbial processes.
The organic complexation reactions and the microbiclogical factors potentially influencing Pu behavior in soil will be discussed in subsequent
Other Transuranic Elements

Principal tsotopes of other transuranics of concern in the nuclear fuel
cycle include 2" Tam, 24 3am, 242om, 7"3 cm, 244en, and 737Np, Although
detailed studies of the interaction of these elements with soils are
lacking, some information has become available in recent years,
More, the aqueous chemistries of these elements have been fairly well
eatablished (Katz and Seaborg, 1957).
The most stable ions of Am and Cm
in aqueous solutions are the cations (IIE); Np is most stable as the
oxyion (NpO2.+). Disproportionation is not common with these elements.
Thus, major differences in their environmental behavior as compared to Pu,
would be expected.
Hydrolysis reactions may still be a primary factor
governing the environmental behavior of Am and Cm but greater mobility and
plant availability in soils might be predicted on the basis of greater
solubility of the hydroxides in comparison to Pu(OH),.
The Np oxycarion
Should not be subject to significant hydrolysis at environmental pH values
(Burney and Harbour,


The environmental behavior of Np has been least

Studied of the transuranics but because of its chemical characteristics it
may be the most available to the biota,
A comparison of Pu, Am, and Np
Sorption in several soils (Routson et al., 1975) indicated sorption in the
order Pu > Am > Np.
The chemistry of Cm should be very similar to Am if
present at equal mass concentrations.
The petential for complexation of
these elements will be discussed in a subsequent section.
Organic Complexation Reactions

Research to date on the chemistry of the transuranic elements in soil
has pointed to the importance of understanding transuranic organic complexation reactions in soil; particularly in surface soils and aquatic sediments
where organic matter content is generally highest or in subsoils where the


transuranics may be dispersed in conjunction with synthetic complexing

Very little

information 1s available concerning the


of the transuranic elements with the soil organic fraction. However,
despite the difficulties in characterization of soil organic complexes,
much is known both theoretically and experimentally regarding the interactions of metals with functional groups of soil organic matter (Keeney
and Wildung, 1976). Much of this information concerns micronutrients of
greatest agronomic importance




Fe, Mn,




and this

research has been the subject of a number of excellent reviews over the
last two decades (Mitchell, 1964, 1972; Mortensen, 1963; Hodgson,
In general, earlier studies emphasized metal
Stevenson & Ardakani, 1972).
interactions with intact soil or with the higher molecular weight
the more
components of soil whereas more recent studies have emphasized
soluble components of soil.

It ts practical to categorize metal complexes in soil in terms of their
solubility since, in general, it is this factor, as previously noted,
Three principal
which most influences their mobility and plant availability.
categories have been proposed (Hodgson, 1963) although the complexity
the soil system results in considerable overlap between categories.
inelude (1) the relatively high molecular-weight humic
ing condensed aromatic nuclei in complex polymers derived from
syntheses which have a high affinity for metalg but are largely
in soil, (2) low molecular weight organic acids and bases, classified
and metabolism
nonhumic substances, and derived largely from microbial cells
with metals,
which demonstrate relatively high solubility in assoctation

and (3) soluble ligands which are precipitated on reaction with metals.

into three
Humic Substances. Humic substances are generallydivided
The humin (alkali
categories baged on their solubilities (Felbeck, 1965).
conditions and
and acid ingoluble) fraction is soluble only under
The humate (alkali soluble,
1s apparently of the highest molecular weight.
of soil
acid insoluble) and fulvate (alkali and acid soluble) fractions
may constitute up to 90% of the soil organic fraction (Kononova,
a high charge
The humates and fulvates are characterized, in part, by
density due to acidic functional groups (Stevenson & Ardakani, 1972;
This property leads to a high degree of reactivity and
Felbeck, 1965).
cations in
these materials exhibit a strong pH-dependent affinity for
solution and are likely strongly bound to soil minerals and other
constituents in soil (Greenland, 1965). The acidic functional
carboxyl, hydroxyl
consist principally (in genera! order of acidity) of
(Broadbent and Bradford,
(phenolic, alcoholic), enolic, and carbonyl groups
Total acidity has been
1952: Felbeck, 1965; Schnitzer et al., 1959),
meq/100 g for humic
estimated to range between 500 to 900 and 900 to 1,400
acids and fulvic acids, respectively (Stevenson & Butler,
(1965) into three
acidic H of humic acids was differentiated by Thompson
groups at 100 ta 200, 500 to 700, and 1,000 to 1,200
Basic functional groups, likely amides an
nonaqueous titration methods.
heterocyclic nitrogen compounds (Bremner, 1965), probably also contribute
than acidic groups
to retention of metals but are of much less importance
at most soil pH values.


Select target paragraph3