Pare Two
Lr. Kotrady

hovenber 8, 1977


to this mentality I say, "Throw the man overboerd!}!"

We are

talking about tne health and welfare of cundreds of furan keinrcs
£8 contrasted to the renutation of a sinvle itndividuole-cn individual
Who I susnect is heving vanvysecond thoveite cboro ils t actv-five
yeor involwenent with the wnursctn Liens weliei bo teocror.
Konrad, I am in full sympathy with your sugsestion th2t we

pursue this matter at the highest level possible.
I think it is >
high time that the various governsental arencies--ineludine the

President as per your surrestion--learned ebout the abuses cein
: perpetrated
|in the name of the United States Government on innocent


It is instructive to re-read tne United Nations Trust

Agreement regarding the U.S.' responsibility to the neovle of these

islands, and compare that with tneir treatment by the EADA/

Brookhaven doctors.
Another significant thing to look at is your renreeted offer
to assist with the Marshallese medical Procrem, end Or. Conrri's
continued refusal to have you connected with the rroerrmm,


all, we must see Dr, Conard‘’s continued silence stovt your cffer
asa refusal.

If Dr. Conard was sincerely corcerned vith tne

iiarshallese Medical Program--as he will have some rneople believe-—

how is it that he has not consulted you about raking necessary
Changes in the faulty Frogram??
With yovr yesr-long exneritence
as part of the Harshallese hedical Prograw, you would most certainly
contribute ina beneficial way if your advice on tne mnatter |.
was soucht,.

I can only hove that our efforts will recult in an inmsroved

Medical Program for the mnarsnallece, and tort nusantis: weit rrevail

over scientific findin,-s and vers onal osXitions 1s records

health and welfare of the Marshallese. ,
.Please.let me hear from you soon.



Tite f
Kk Maen .

GCtenn H. ’ Rlening
rorrier Terece Corns

335 - &ta Avenue
Sonn Francisco, CA 92118


Hon Bakal, Esq.

Utirik attorney

Dr. Hobert A. Conard.


Brookhaven Nat'l,


Select target paragraph3