Percentage under "Par" to Qualify.
To determine the percentage by which the current frequency rates must
be under "par," to qualify for an Award of Merit, refer to the Table
(next page) on the line for the orgenization's par and under the column which represents the employee-—hours included in the current experience. The percentages shown are simply 10% plus the percentage
needed to be statistically significant for the size record being

evaluated, The percentage under par to qualify for an Award of Honor
is 20 plus the percentage shown in the Table for Award of Merit.
The severity rate must be under par by 10% to qualify for an Award of

Merit and 30% for an Award of Honor.

(Do not use the Table.)

Both Rates Must Qualify,
Check appropriate boxes. Both the current frequency rate and the current severity rate must qualify for any Award.
Increases in Current Rate.
This question need not be answered unless either of the current rates

(line 1) is higher than the corresponding previous rate (line 3). If
either rate has increased, the increase may not cxceed 30% for the

Award of Merit, and may not exceed 10% for the Award of Honor.

Select target paragraph3