(Items are numbered to correspond with those on the Worksheet on preceding page )


Current Experience.

The current experience submitted for recognition may consist of one or
more calendar years (January 1 to December 31, inclusive), Since size
of exposure determines in an irportant way whether current trends are

reliable and statistically significant, the standards tc be met are

higher for smaller exposures.

Consequently, each organization has the

option of expanding the current period submitted for recognition to
include additional calendar years and thus qualify for recognition of
trends which would not be considered significant for a smaller exposure.
Raves for Atomic EnergyGroup.

The atomic energy group averages employed for evaluation shall be three-

year averages which will be released after each calendar year.


unit makes up 10% or more of the exposure within an atomic energy group,
AEC, Washington, D, C,, will upon request calculate atomic energy averages exclusive of such unit's experience for use in evaluating that
unit's performance,
.Own Previous Experience.


If the current expericnee is one year, the previous experience
shall consist of:






Three years! experience, if available, or

Two years! expcrience, if three is not available.

If the current experience covers two or more years, the previous
experience shall cover a period *wice as long as that used for
the current experience,

Determination of "Par"

The rates for the industry group and the unit's own previous expericnce
are averaged to determine the unit's "par."
Percentage Current Rates Arc Under "Par"
Divide the current rate by the "par' rate, multiply by 100, and subtract
that product from 100,


Percentage = 100 ~ (current rate x 100)
par rate

Select target paragraph3