Problems with the contract at UCLA were then discussed.
A principal
difficulty with respect to the ecology program appears to be the
recruiting of a suitable ecologist.
The possibility of phasing out
ecology at UCLA and building it up at the Nevada Test Site under
Mr. Jerry Davis was discussed.
Dr. Goldstein described the status of the nuclear medicine program
and the cyclotron at UCLA,
Dr. Totter then reported briefly on the 36 program.
The Los Alamos
Laboratory is actively producing
The demand may be very much larger
than anticipated because other agencies want the
C to use as a tracer
for materials in the environment.
The Los Alamos Laboratory is proposing
to go to some additional bigger columns to increase their output.
Dr. Stout asked that the Los Alamos Laboratory be encouraged to make
if they could do it at a lower price than the current one.
Dr. Totter
felt that there were problems with patent rights on the process and that
Logs Alamos probably could not get into the production process.
Dr. Totter then gave a history of the biomedical program at the
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore and traced the difficulties
with Gofman and Tamplin.
Dr. Totter announced that he has proceeded with the necessary paper
work to appoint Dr. Burr as Deputy Director of DBM.
The Advisory
Committee gave its enthusiastic approval.
Dr. Perry Stout was unanimously elected Vice Chairman of the ACBM,
At that point the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,

ohn B. Storer, M.D.
/Scientific Secretary, Advfsory
Committee for Biology and Medicine

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