Dr. C. Dunham


July 25, 1957

Such a crystal has been proved satisfactory in the proposed type of application
by Marinelli and Miller at Argonne National Laboratory. It is extremely

important that the crystal and the materials used for encasing it be free from
radioactive contaminants. A suitable crystal can be fabricated by the
Harshaw Company.

A stand such as is used with a portable x=ray machine

would be used to support the crystal assembly.

b) Two, One hundred channel gamma spectrum analysers. Conference
with Drs. Kuper, Higginbotham and Chase of the B.N.l. Instrumentation Division
indicates that this type of instrument would be satisfactory for the type of

analysis contemplated. These instruments are currently being fabricated at
the Technical Measurements Company, New Haven, Connecticut, for B.Nele and
are considerably less axpensive than the two hundred fifty-six channel type
analyzer in use at Argonne National Laboratory. In view of the remoteness
of the locale of examinations and consequent difficulties of getting repair
work done within a reasonable period of time it was alse recommended that
two of these analyzers be taken along,


In order to insure sufficiently low background radiation for

such analyses a room with steel walls of at least 4" thickness is deemed


John S.





Robertsen alll

myeelf of BeNeLe have

contacted officials at the Navy Yard, New York, in regard to fabrication of

such a room with the following results. We were informed that a barbette
from a cruiser is to be removed in the near future for serapping purposes.
This cylindrical barbette eould be cut so that four curved sections, 6' high
and 6" thick would form the sides of a chamber about seven feet across. Two,
two inch thick steel plates could be secured both on the top and bottom of
the chamber to afford overall shielding of four to six inches of steel. A
door of adequate size of 4 inches steel thickness would be made for access,
The sise of this room would be adequate for the purposes and the thick steel

Walls, floor and ceiling would insure a low background.

Necessary openings

for electrical lines could be made, Subject te Navy appreval, this chamber
could be fabricated at the Naval Shipyard at New York and shipped to Pearl Harbor
via one of the Navy vessels en route there. At Pearl Harbor the room could be
assembled and placed on board the tank deck of the LST to be provided. Cranes
at Pearl Harbor can easily handle the transfer to the LST,

Two small dehumidifyers would be needed, one in the steel room to make the

subjects more comfortable during measurements and one in a small wooden room

to be built adjacent to the steel room to protect the analyzer against high

The power source aboard the LST will be adequates
Upon completion of the operation the steel room would be stored at Pearl Harbor
Navy Yard for future use.


Select target paragraph3