


8 An “== survey instrument of the scintillation counter type will be made available and

will be forwarded by JTF SEVEN Rad/Safe Officer
to WB-29 operational personnel for additional
RADIAC backup.


In-flight reports on radiation will be made in
conjunction with the standard weather reporting
messages uscd for weather reconnaissance flights.
Special reports are to be transmitted for any
positions where radiation intensity reaches a
maximum along a segment of the flight track, re~
gardless of whether or not such positions coincide

with points of regular 100-mile weather reports,
Additional special reports should be made at
critical positions in the flight trak, such as

positions which define a cloud boundary, a turn
out point, or eny other unusual situation.


Heavy Particulate Sampling Sorties:
(a} One (1) WB-29, call sign WILSON ONE, will take-off
at approximately H-5 hours.

Exact take-off time

will be specified in Annex "C", "Mission Execution

Schedule", This aircraft will contact the Eniwetok
A0C on VHF Channel "C" and on HF Circuit J-410 inmediately after take-off. The aircraft will perform weather reconnaissance within a 30 mile radius
of the Iniwetok Area and report any significant
weather to the AOC, WILSON ONE will then proceed
to Bikini reporting weather enroute. When 90 miles

out from Pniwetok, WILSON ONE will be instructed by
the 40C to call the Command Ship CIC for control
and further instructions on VEF Channel "F", The

Command Ship Controller will instruct WILSON ONE to
report any further significant enroute weather,

over VHF Channel "F", or HF Circuit J-410.


ONE will then be instructed to perform local wea-

ther reconnaissance in the Bikini Area and to per-

form an "Qpwind" weather run culminating in an H-

hour position as required in Annex "D", "H-Hour

Positions and Flight Patterns". Immediately after
H-hour, WILSON ONE will be instructed to change to

VHF Channel "4'', At approximately H /# 1:00 hours, ~
WILSON ONE will be directed by CASSIDY to conduct
the Heavy Particulate Sampling Operation. The time
of this eperation will be decided by the Scientific

Director in the Control B-36,

WILSON ONE will also

be provided all significant rad/safe frecasts, prior
to the sampling operation, by the CIC Controller.
Safeguarding of the aircraft and crew, however, will

be the responsibility of the Rad/Safe monitor aboard

WILSON ONE, After the sampling operation is completed, WILSON ONE will be vectored back to ENIWETOK
by the CIC Controller, When 90 miles out from Ini-

wetok, WILSON ONE will be instructed to call the

Mniwetok AOC on VHF Channel "C" for control and fur~

ther instructions. The Iniwetok AOC will vector
WILSON ONE to Mniwetok for landing.



Select target paragraph3