




The WB-29 radio operator will immediately notify
the Fniwetok AOC of the emergency on Circuit
J-411 and announce the pilots intentions,

The AOC will initiate required emergency action,

maintaining contact with the aircraft in distress
on J-411 wmtil VHF contact is possible.

The USS ESTES will be located in the Bikini Area
during shot periods. The CIC will continually moni-

tor VHF Channel "D" and HF, Circuit J-410.


may contact this station for emergoncy assistance,

including GCI radar vectors, VHF/DF steers and SAR

intercept, at the discretion of the aircraft commander.


Although crews will be thoroughly briefed on all
aspects of each mission as specified in paragraph

3d(1) above, the following cloud tracking infor-

mation is provided for planning purposes:

1, Flight #1 (WILSON #2 - H £.1:05 to H 4 15:00 hours):
This flight is to determine the characteristics of
the radiological hazard likely to drift and fall
out on Eniwetok or Ujelang Atolls and the hazard
upwind from the shot atoll.

WILSON #2 will take-

off at H £ 1:05 hours, climb to 10,000 feet

while proceeding to Point "A",

(See Appendix 1).

WILSON #2 will then begin a 10,000 foot racetrack

holding pattern, the eastern edge will be 50
nautical miles West of Ground Zero, This pattern
will extend 70 nautical miles from North to South

and 15 miles from East to West (See Appendix 1).

Upon encountering radiation, the entire pattern
is to be shifted westward to follow the leading
edge of the radiation field. Upon completion of
this phase of the mission, a search upwind from
the shot atoll will be made in a 30 degree sector
with apex on ground zero and centered on the average prevailing easterlies. "E" type search pattern
at 10,000 feet will be employed. Specific inst-

ructions for this mission will be forwarded by
CJTF SEVEN to CIG 7.4, ATIN: Commander, Test

Services Unit, not later than H minus eight (8)



Flight #2 (H plus 12 hours to H plus 24 hours):

This flight is to determine the characteristics of
the radiological hazard existing upwind from the
native populated atolls in the southeast quadrant

and the hazards existing on, or near, air routes

of interest to commands external to the Task Force

Area of responsibility (Appendix 2).

"E" type

flight patterns at 10,000 feet will be employed.
Search of ‘air routes will be at 10,000 feet and
along the routes, or through the area forecast

to be upwind from such routes, for representative

distances as determined by the estimated limits
of accuracy of the air RADEX. The attempt here
will be to determine the contamination status of
the air on the routes, or of the potential hazards

likely to drift across the routes.

The air routes

of interest are those through Wake and the Marshall
Islands. Specific instructions will be forwarded


Commander, Test

Services Unit, not later than H plus four (4)


Select target paragraph3