
Any special typhoon reconnaissance sorties required to
discharge typhoon reconnaissance responsibility in the

area bounded by the equator, latitude 25° North, the

Meridian of 180° and longitude of 157° 31' East.


Joint Task Force Weather Central will coordinate this


Flight procedures:

Weather Reconnaissance and Cloud Tracking Sorties:


The Commander, Test Services Unit, will insure that

a thorough briefing of all personnel concerned is
held in the Weather Central prior to each weather re- ,
connaissance and cloud tracking flight. This briefing

will include tracks to be flown and communications,
control reporting and emergency procedures.

following personnel will attend the briefing:




The Weather Reconnaissance Aircraft Crew. -

The Weather Officer, who will be on duty in the

Weather Central during the mission.

The AOC and SAR Controllers who will be on duty
during the mission.


The 57th Strat Reconnaissance Squadron Radio-

logical Safety Officer.

Weather reconnaissance and cloud tracking aircraft
will call the AOC on VHF Channel "C", immediately

after take~off, and remain under the direct control
of the Eniwetok AOC on this channel while within VHF
range of Eniwetok. These aircraft will establish CW
HF radio contact with the AOC on HF Circuit J-411

immediately after take-off and remain-under the AOC

control throughout the mission on this circuit.
Crews will submit position, weather and/or rad/safe
reports to the AOC at 100 nautical miles intervals.

The rad/safe code is included as Appendix 3 to this

Annex. The weather code will be in accordance with
Air Weather Service Manual 105-34, -1 August 1953,
Recco Code. The Senior AOC Controller will insure

that these reports are forwarded immediately to the

Mniwetok Weather Central.

The Iniwetok Weather

Central will forward required reports to the USS
ESTES Weather Central. The USS ESTES Weather Central

will forward all rad/safe reports. received to the

JTF SEVEN rad/safe officer in the JOC. -The Rniwetok

AOC will continually plot the position of weather

reconnaissance and/or cloud tracking aircraft.


completion of weather reconnaissance and cloud tracking missions, WB-29's will call the Rniwetok AOC on

VHF Channel "C" when 100 miles out from Rniwetok and
will remain under AOC control until base is in sight

and instructions are received from the AOC to switch

to Approach Control or Tower Frequency,

Aircraft on

specific weather reconnaissance flights will include
reports of radiation, along with their primary mission weather reports, during the period H-Hour wtil

HAS hours.

Any weather reconnaissance or cloud tracking aircraft
experiencing an emergency within VHF radio range of
Iniwetok will notify the Eniwetok AOC on VHF Channel


The Riwetok AOC will initiate SAR intercept

and implement the SAR Plan. If the emergency is expericnced out of VHF range of Iniwetok, the following
action will be taken:


Select target paragraph3