BOUNDARY TARE on Channel "F" (139,86) until informed by BOUNDARY TARE to

switch to Channel "D" (121.5) or other frequency, as directed, for tho


purpose of a SAR energency, STABLE 2 will monitor Channel "F" ond standby
to receive range and bearing fraa BOUNDARY TARE to any aircraft in distress,
STABLE 2 will remain in the orbit position until all sampling is comploted

and ho is released by BOUNDARY TARE to roturn to basco, BOUNDARY TARE will
provide range and bearing to ENIWETOK and when STABLE 2 is approximately
90 miles fron BIKINI, inbound to ENIWETOK, BOUNDARY TARE will instruct STABLE
2 to contact DIRTY FACE on Channol "Cc", DIRTY FACE will establish positive
control and provide STABLE 2 with range and bearing to base,

f, On rehearsal and actual shot missions, the Search and Rescue
_ SA-16, call sign STABLE 3 will occupy a position on the ground at ENIWETOK
adjacent to runway (See Annex "B", "Aircraft Parking Plan", and innex "C",

"Aircraft Mission Exécution Chart!) , STABLE 3 will be scranblod by the
SAR Controller in the AOC by direct communication to Rescuc Alert Position,
Immediately upon becoming airborne, STABLE 3 will’ contact DIRTYFACE on

Channel "C' for instructions,

g rehearsals, actual shot missions, and during jet practice .
poriods, the Soarch and Rescue helicopter, call sign STABLE 5, will be
naintained in a ground alert status and will assume a position adjacent

to runway (Sce Annex "B",

"Aircraft Parking Plan", ani .Annox "C", "Aircraft

Mission Execution Chart"), STABLE 5 will be serazibled by the SAR Controller
in the AOC by direct communication to the Rescue Alert Position, Inmediately
upon beconing airborne, STABLE 5 will contact DIRTY FACE on Channel "C" for instructions,

Tho Crash Boat, call sign GUNSHOT 1, will standby in ENIWETOK

LAGOON, GUNSHOT 1 will continually monitor VHF Channel "B" ond will be
under the operational control of tho AO,



Select target paragraph3